Monday, October 14, 2013

Public Opinion Polls

Are public opinion polls a benefit or a curse to American politics?  What influence do they have on campaigns?  On governing?  What do critics point to as the key weaknesses of public opinion polls? Do you agree?  Explain?

I believe that public opinion polls are both a good and a bad thing in the world of American politics. Polls allow candidates to know what the people want based on the answers of a select group, on topics such as age, race, political status, and feelings on certain issues. With this information candidates can campaign to attract certain groups like single-issue groups who often determine elections. Critics point to this as the weakness of public opinion polls. However, polls can also be a good thing because they let leaders know what the people want and need from their country. I think that in the long run polls are a good thing because they show what different citizens want.

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