Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Congressional Reappointment

2008-1) Congressional reapportionment and redistricting are conducted every ten years. When redistricting is conducted, politicians often engage in gerrymandering.
(a) Define congressional reapportionment and explain one reason why it is important to states.
(b) Define congressional redistricting.
(c) Explain two goals of politicians when they gerrymander during redistricting.
(d) Describe two limits that the United State Supreme Court has placed on congressional redistricting.

a) Congressional reapportionment occurs every ten years when the 435 house seats are reevaluated based on the census. It is important to states because as opinions change and numbers of people in states change states want to have a representative congress.
b) Congressional redistricting is when you re draw district lines for the house.
c) Congress gerrymanders during redistricting so as to win certain districts and hold power using packing and cracking and to maintain incumbency.
d) Two limits that the United State Supreme Court has placed on congressional redistricting are they must be equally populated and can not be drawn based on race.


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