Tuesday, March 18, 2014

President influence over domestic policy

2008-2)A number of factors enable presidents to exert influence over Congress in the area of domestic policy. However, presidents are also limited in their influence over domestic policy making in Congress.
-The Constitution grants the president certain enumerated powers. Describe two of these formal powers that enable the president to exert influence over domestic policy.
-Choose two of the following. Define each term and explain how each limits the president’s ability to influence domestic policy making in Congress.
*Mandatory spending
*Party polarization
*Lame-duck period

Two of the formal powers that enable the president to exert influence over domestic policy are legislative powers and appointment powers. With legislative powers the president can exercise use of the pocket veto and chooses whether to sign legislation. He also chooses who to appoint to certain offices such as the secretary of state.
Mandatory spending and party polarization limit the presidents ability to influence domestic policy. Mandatory spending is spending not controlled by annual budget decisions. This limits presidential influence by making it difficult to make budget cuts that accomplish policy goals. Party polarization is increased inter party differences. This results in a lack of moderates to build coalitions with and increased party opposition of policy goals. 


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